Elevate your presence with web design and development services

Design of Landing Pages, E-commerce and Websites

Web design and development is an umbrella term that describes the process of creating a website, like the name suggests, it involves two major skill sets: web design and web development. Web design determines the look and feel of a website, while web development determines how it functions.

We are a group of experts in charge of positioning our clients in the first results of the Google search engine, at TexMex, we’ll take care of the web design and development services of your site.

 With all the services included with a focus on the user experience. This is one of the important parts of SEO Texas, that’s why we do the best in this area, the main differences we have with other studios and agencies is that we are dedicated exclusively to digital creativity through web technologies.

This allows us a level of specialization and experience in web design and development services that you will hardly find anywhere else, also, we make sure your website is made for organic positioning in search engines.

Web design and development; girl doing web analysis

A better experience for every visitor on your Website

Your clients will have a great experience visiting your website with great speed and performance thanks to our work in web design and development. We make sure every angle of your site is perfectly made so that it looks appealing for the user and works in the best way possible.

Web design and development; illustration of web design

Web design and development services for e-commerce

Electronic e-commerce is the purchase-sale of a product or service through a virtual space via the Internet, and you’ll need an expert in online stores to do one for your business.

Web design and development services for landing page

Landing page, it is the page to which the user or consumer arrives when clicking on a link in an ad or a form of advertising on an internet portal.

Web design and development services for online stores

Virtual store, is a digital instrument designed for buying and selling through electronic commerce (e-commerce), you’ll need an agency that can make catalogs and categories for your company.

Web Design and Development services we'll give you


Responsive design

We adapt your website for PC, tablets and smartphones; an important part for web positioning.


Front-end web development

Good user experience for your website can be a determinant factor to obtain a new client.


Protection for your website

We will protect your online store against hacking and data loss so that works always ideally.

Discover more about web design and development services

Web design and development services focus on creating how building functional and attractive websites. This discipline has gained significant importance in recent years due to the exponential growth of the Internet and the need for a strong and effective online presence.


Web design and development services encompass various aspects, from creating the structure and visual design of a website to implementing interactive functionalities and optimizing for search engines. The main objective is to provide users with a positive experience when interacting with the website and to achieve established goals, whether it’s providing information, selling products or services, or engaging with an online community.


In web design and developer services, the goal is to create an appealing and consistent visual aesthetic that reflects the brand or company’s identity. This involves selecting colors, typography, images, and other visual elements that effectively convey the desired message. Additionally, usability and user experience are taken into account when designing website navigation and structure, ensuring that it is intuitive and easy to use.

Web design and development; coding for web development

On the other hand, web development is responsible for implementing the visual and functional elements of the website. This involves programming in languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and others to create web pages and make them interactive.

It also involves integrating functionalities such as contact forms, booking systems, online stores, blogs, and more, additionally, it focuses on ensuring that the website is compatible with different devices and browsers, providing a responsive and consistent experience across all of them.

Web design and development services are not limited solely to the visual appearance and functionality of the website but also include important aspects such as search engine optimization (SEO). This involves implementing strategies and techniques to improve the website’s ranking in search engine results, increasing visibility and the potential to attract more visitors and potential customers.

Effective online presence: Web design and development services enable businesses and individuals to have a strong and effective online presence, allowing them to reach a global audience 24/7.

Benefits of web design and development

Enhanced user experience: Well-executed web design services provide users with a positive experience by facilitating navigation, interaction, and the search for relevant information. This helps to keep visitors on the website for longer periods.

Web design and development; collaborator in telephone call with client

Attractive and professional design: web design and development offer the possibility to create an appealing and professional design that reflects the brand or company’s identity. This helps to capture visitors’ attention and convey trust and credibility.

Intuitive navigation: well-structured web design and intuitive navigation enable users to easily find the information they are looking for. This improves usability and prevents visitors from becoming frustrated by having to search excessively.

Adaptability to different devices: with the rise of mobile devices, it is crucial to have responsive web design that adapts to different screen sizes and devices. This ensures a consistent and pleasant experience for users, regardless of how they access the website.

Search engine optimization: web design and development include search engine optimization techniques that improve the website’s visibility and ranking in search engine results. This helps to attract organic traffic and potential customers.

  • Integration of customized functionalities: web design and development allow for the integration of customized functionalities based on the needs of the business or project. This can include contact forms, booking systems, online stores, and more, facilitating interaction with users.
  • Ease of updating and maintenance: through the use of content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress, updating and maintaining website content becomes simpler and more accessible. This allows for quick changes and ensures that the website remains up to date without requiring advanced technical knowledge.
  • User interaction and engagement: web development services can include interactive features such as comments, forums, or social media integration, fostering user participation and the creation of online communities. This improves user relationships and promotes engagement.
  • Building trust and credibility:a professional and visually appealing web design conveys trust and credibility to visitors. This can influence their decision to do business or engage with the brand.

Potential for increased conversions: a well-structured web design with clear calls to action can increase conversions. This is achieved by guiding visitors through the sales funnel and facilitating desired actions, such as completing a form or making a purchase.

Opportunity for analysis and continuous improvement: with web design and development services, it is possible to implement analytics tools like Google Analytics to gather data on user behavior and website performance. This data provides valuable insights for informed decision-making and constant improvement of the website’s design and functionality.

Expanded reach and business opportunities: a well-designed and developed website enables you to reach a broader audience, even on an international level. This expands business opportunities and opens new doors for growth and expansion.

Effective brand communication: web design and development services provide an opportunity to effectively communicate the brand’s identity through visual design, colors, typography and other visual elements. This helps to differentiate from competitors and establish a strong brand image.

Long-term cost savings: while web design and development services require an initial investment, they can result in significant cost savings in the long run. A well-developed and easily maintainable website avoids additional expenses on constant updates and corrections.

Web design and development; collaborator doing a web design

Stand out in the digital world with an attractive and functional website! At Tex Mex, we offer professional web design and development services to take your business to the next level. Our team of experts in web design and development services will create an effective online presence that will captivate your customers and enhance your brand.

Benefit from a customized web design tailored to your needs, reflecting the essence of your company and attracting your target audience. By utilizing the latest trends and best practices, we will optimize your website to deliver an enhanced user experience, intuitive navigation and visually appealing design.

Don’t miss out on any more business opportunities due to a week online presence. With our web design and development services, you can stand out in search engines and increase your online visibility. We will implement SEO strategies to improve your ranking in search results, attract more organic traffic, and convert visitors into customers.

Furthermore, our focus on functionality allows you to integrate personalized features into your website, such as contact forms, booking systems, or even an online store. Maximize interaction with your customers and improve user satisfaction.

Don’t let your competition surpass you in the digital world. It’s time to shine with a professional and attractive website! Contact Tex Mex today for more information about our web design solutions. Drive your business forward and achieve success online with web design and development.

Don’t let your competition surpass you in the digital world. It’s time to shine with a professional and attractive website! Contact Tex Mex today for more information about our website design solutions. Drive your business forward and achieve success online with web design and development services.

With our expertise in digital marketing, we ensure your site gets the visibility it deserves, and our project manager oversees every detail to deliver top-notch results. We also develop web apps to enhance your business operations and integrate quality assurance measures to maintain high standards. Our user friendly approach combined with ui design and graphic design ensures a seamless and visually appealing experience. At Tex Mex, we specialize in website development that truly represents your brand and meets your business goals.

Web design and development

Don't wait to contact us!

Our team of professional experts in web design and development is waiting to provide you with the best personalized attention to take your business site to the next level. Do not miss the opportunity to position yourself on the internet with the help of TexMex .